Comprehensive service for importers and exporters

Helping with the search for suppliers, contracting deposits, insurance, managing the necessary procedures, etc.

About Us

According to the new times for the development of international trade; we focus on providing our customers not only the service of finding international markets suitable for their products but also the supply of others to the local market as well as logistics and import/export of various products on a global scale.

Our Services

We also focus on providing our customers not only the service of finding international markets suitable for their products but also the supply of others to the local market

Global Business Solutions

  • Business consulting
  • Business Management
  • Corporate Services
  • Search for suppliers
  • Market analysis

Trade Consulting

  • Risk Management
  • Business plan formation
  • Business Advisory
  • Analysis of opportunities
  • Management and accompaniment in procedures


  • Identification of Need
  • Supplier Identification
  • Supplier Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Logistics Management

Contact Us